The activities may cover Drawing, Animation, Painting, Sculpture, Calligraphy, Wood Engraving, Murals, Origami, Lamp-making, Papier-Mache, Patterns, Mobiles, Rain Sticks, making Scarecrows, Character Creation with recycled material and tweezers, making characters with rice and other foodstuffs, making sushi with the children, making a typical Japanese dessert. The courses are flexible and will be adapted to age groups. We believe it’s important to value the creative process and we hope to show how the children’s’ abilities evolve and develop their capacity for creative expression.
Las clases cubrirán: dibujo, animación, pintura, escultura, caligrafía, xilografía, monotipo, mural, origami, creacion de lámparas, papel maché, palos, pareidolia, movil, palo de lluvia, espantapájaros, pinzas, cocina lunchbox, sushi, dorayaki.
I am a self-taught oil painter although I graduated in Design and Visual Communication at the Seika Kyoto University. In Tokyo, I worked as a Graphic Designer as I ran Art courses for children. I have also held exhibitions in Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Singapore and Japan. I have won various international prizes including the Fernand Bivel Award at the 216th “Salon d’automne” (Paris). In Spain I have illustrated “La niña de la nube” for the editorial Everest. For many years I have also led Japanese cookery courses.
Soy Pintora al óleo autodidacta, aunque me gradué en Diseño y Comunicación Visual en la Universidad Seika, Kyoto. En Tokyo trabajé como diseñadora gráfica e hice cursos de Arte para niños. He realizado exposiciones en países como España, Francia, Italia, Suiza, Singapur y Japón. He ganado diversos premios internacionales entre ellos el Premio “Fernand Bivel” del 216er Concurso del “Salon d’automne” (París). En España he ilustrado “La niña de la nube” para la editorial Everest. También llevo varios años impartiendo cursos de cocina japonesa.