A simulation of the United Nations in Rome

As the only international school in Mallorca, we are part of a large scale simulation of the United Nations in Italy.

Our oldest students in Upper Primary participate every year in the Montessori Model United Nations, a life changing experience for many of them. The Model UN is a four-day conference in Rome/Italy where students formulate, present, debate, and revise positions on complex current issues that are affecting people of the world.

An authentic United Nations experience

During this conference, our students assume the perspectives of a UN Ambassador for their simulation country, bearing the rights and responsibilities of world leaders. Their imaginations propel them to collaboratively create resolutions to our world’s most pressing problems. Montessori Model United Nations encourages students to know that they can make a difference.

Students represent simulation countries in different UN Committees (based upon the actual UN Agenda Topics for the year) and have to cooperate in the definition and drafting of resolutions to global problems. Students learn about multi-lateral diplomacy and negotiation skills based upon cooperation (not competition) for complex international policies.

A life changing experience

Montessori Model United Nations has partnered with the UN to create a program for Montessori students who at the sensitive period for reason, justice and morality can participate in a life changing experience.

The conference provides students from 9-15 years of age an opportunity to:

  • Learn about cultures, governments and peoples of nations throughout the world.
  • Use research skills, writing skills and written & oral communications skills.
  • Develop critical thinking skills, problem solving skills and evaluative skills.
  • Debate current global issues and world problems.
  • Practice and use leadership skills in a real life global situation.
  • Understand the need for peace and conflict resolution throughout the world while developing their own conflict resolution and debating skills.

Maria Montessori supported the work of the League of Nations and its successor the UN as a forum where peace could be created. She recognised the hope for peace lay in the education of children.

Six characteristics of the Montessori Model United Nations